The morphology of light — 76x110cm — Ink, gesso and graphite on paper
The morphology of light — 76x110cm — Ink, gesso and graphite on paper
First light in the gorge — 76x110cm — Ink, gesso and graphite on paper
First light in the gorge — 76x110cm — Ink, gesso and graphite on paper
Mappng sediments — 66x102cm — Graphite and ink on paper
Mappng sediments — 66x102cm — Graphite and ink on paper
Darkness at noon — 66x102cm — Graphite and ink on paper
Darkness at noon — 66x102cm — Graphite and ink on paper
Ruby Gap – 101x66cm – Mixed media on paper
Ruby Gap – 101x66cm – Mixed media on paper
Opal Ridge – 66x102cm – Mixed media on paper
Opal Ridge – 66x102cm – Mixed media on paper
Estuary – 58x76cm – Mixed media on paper
Estuary – 58x76cm – Mixed media on paper
Waterway – 58x76cm – Mixed media on paper
Waterway – 58x76cm – Mixed media on paper
The morphology of light — 76x110cm — Ink, gesso and graphite on paper
First light in the gorge — 76x110cm — Ink, gesso and graphite on paper
Mappng sediments — 66x102cm — Graphite and ink on paper
Darkness at noon — 66x102cm — Graphite and ink on paper
Ruby Gap – 101x66cm – Mixed media on paper
Opal Ridge – 66x102cm – Mixed media on paper
Estuary – 58x76cm – Mixed media on paper
Waterway – 58x76cm – Mixed media on paper
The morphology of light — 76x110cm — Ink, gesso and graphite on paper
First light in the gorge — 76x110cm — Ink, gesso and graphite on paper
Mappng sediments — 66x102cm — Graphite and ink on paper
Darkness at noon — 66x102cm — Graphite and ink on paper
Ruby Gap – 101x66cm – Mixed media on paper
Opal Ridge – 66x102cm – Mixed media on paper
Estuary – 58x76cm – Mixed media on paper
Waterway – 58x76cm – Mixed media on paper
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